Friday, May 18, 2012

A Low Life in High Heels Holly Woodlawn

I was going through my library the other day looking for a little something to re-read. I came across a book that screamed re-read me. "A Low Life in High Heels" is the story of Holly Woodlawn. This is a must read if you have any interest in the "Warhol Superstars". Holly's story is a fascinating read giving a great insight to New York and the underground of the late 60's and early 70's. The book follows her through her ups and downs and uppers and downers.
She starts her story off in Puerto Rico when she was Haroldo living with his grandmother eventually moving to Miami where the seeds of the future Holly were sown. Just like in the Lou Reed song Holly hitch hiked to New York. He became a she and became a housewife. Too young and too wild to settle down Holly found the village and like minded compatriots on the streets. In her book Holly is honest about her dishonesty and her drug use. She and her friends through a series of adventures find themselves at the Factory. Warhol and Paul Morrissey in time cast her in "Trash" along side of Joe Dallesandro. She became a star. Not just a star but a superstar. Hollywood director George Cukor was so taken by her performance he lobbied for her to be nominated for an academy award. The irony of all this is Ms Woodlawn while the toast of the town was locked up in the Tombs. Her crime itself is a story worth making into a movie involves a French diplomat's wife and a stolen check book.
Holly, Candy Darling and Jackie Curtis were a triumvirate of gender bending actresses making a scene in the downtown scene. Sadly, Candy and Jackie didn't survive but Holly did. She went on to perform in cabarets and a score of films.
Why "A Low Life in High Heels" has not yet been made into a film is beyond me. The book is an amazing laugh out loud read and the story of a life well lived. Holly Woodlawn has been living in West Hollywood for the past several years and still makes appearances in films like "Billy's Hollywood Kiss" and documentaries.
Run out and get a copy of "Alow Life in High Heels" you'll be sure to love her story and the read.


  1. Holly WAS NOT in Josie Cotton's Maneaters video
