Saturday, May 19, 2012

Happy Birthday Grace Jones

I can think of few scarier people than Grace Jones. If Grace Jones tells you to do something you had better well do it! Grace Jones is now 64 years old and don't mess with her. From her rise in popularity in the 70's she has conquered. Ask Schwarzenegger.

I first heard her Warm Leatherette album at a party in high school and stopped dead in my tracks. Her version of Private Life made Chrissy Hynde sound like an Akron housewife.  By the time I heard Bullshit I was hooked. At that tender age I bought all of her previous releases en mass. Boy was there one surprised punk rock boy when I found she was a disco queen of sorts. They were interesting records to say the least but not at all what I was expecting. Then Nightclubbing came out. She was able to make a Police song sound cool! Around this time Ms Jones was touring, doing the nightclub circuit and I knew I had too go and see her. The show was almost 2 hours late starting and Grace came onto stage sang two numbers. She started a third and stopped to yell at the sound man. The song started again and yet another fight break with the sound man arose. At the fourth attempt Grace stopped once a again. picked up a wooden cube from the stage and threw it. "Get your money back! Demand your money back the sound man is an asshole!" Screamed into her mic before storming off stage. About a half an hour and one terrified sound man later she resumed performing and proceeded to kill.
She may be 64 but she is still a force to be reckoned with. A few years ago she was involved in a scuffle on the Eruostar with a conductor. He is either a very brave of a very stupid man. Grace Jones is the new face of Sixty-Four!

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