Saturday, June 28, 2014

Now That Was a Scary Villain

Children's stories are filled with scary characters, awful villains that terrify. One of the scariest of all is The Child Catcher from the film "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang". The character of the Child Catcher is an evil man employed by an equally evil Baron and Baroness Bomburst in thier kingdom of Vulgaria. The character does not appear in the book by Ian Fleming but was created for the movie by Roald Dahl. 
Creating the character on screen was the Australian dancer Robert Helpmann. Helpmann was a very well respected dancer and choreographer. When the movie was made into a stage musical in London the charater of the Child Catcher was created by Richard O'Brien who is most famous for his film portrayal of Riff Raff.

1 comment:

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