Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Lovable Lush

In the 1960's and 70's there was no more recognizable face on television than that of Foster Brooks. He was that drunk guy  who would stumble into a scene and confuse his words in a drunken stupor. 

Born in Louisville, Kentucky in 1912. Foster Brooks started his career as a radio announcer and singer. In the 1950's Brooks moved to Los Angeles to start a stand up career. It was then he came up with his signature character the drunken guy. He was the lovable lush usually attending a convention. He wasn't so drunk he couldn't stand up but drunk enough to confuse the situations he found himself in. It was on the Dean Martin Celebrity Roast that Brooks really made his name. He was famous for inviting Dean Martin to join his organization "Alcoholics Unanimous".   
Brooks also appeared on several TV shows as a sober person. In real life Brooks rarely drank. He once claimed he gave up drinking as part of a $10. "At the time I needed the $10."
Foster Brooks died in Los Angeles in 2001.

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