Monday, June 10, 2013

Great Ozzie Nelson's Ghost!

On a quiet street in the hills above Hollywood Blvd is a colonial style family home. It is a real family home it is the Nelson home. This is the house that Ozzie and Harriet Nelson lived in with their sons David and Rick. Not only did they live there it served as the exterior establishing shot of their home on their TV show. The interior of the house was also what the interior sets were based on. "The Ozzie and Harriet Show" ran on television for 14 years. Then in the mid-70's Ozzie and Harriet used the house again as the exterior for their short lived series "Ozzie's Girls".
The 10 room house was built in 1916 for a Los Angeles business man on a half an acre lot. The Nelson's bought the house in 1942. The Nelson's did some alterations over the years but the house was more or less as it was built. The three story house is in the colonial revival style and has a nice pool and patio out back.
The Nelson's were know for the very clean cut image. Ozzie and Harriet lived there until Ozzie died in 1975 and Harriet sold it off a few years later. It was after the house was sold that the new owners started reporting strange happenings. Things started happening like lights turning on and off and doors opening and closing. There were also reportedly strange "phantom" footsteps in the halls. The clear sounds of foot steps could be heard when no one was around. The strangest of all was described in a book called "Hollywood Haunted" by Laurie Jacobson and Marc Wanamaker. The have a description form a woman who was living in the house waking to find her bed covers pulled back and the feeling of an unseen something kissing her neck and breasts.
Could this be Ozzie just confused or allowing his inner perv to come out in his after life? Perhaps it is Harriet? But this just goes to show that not everything in Hollywood is what it looks like!

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