Thursday, May 23, 2013

Joe Francis People who use the Word "Classy" Aren't

"Girls Gone Wild" producer Joe Francis might just be the craziest person around right now. He was recently convicted of false imprisonment of three women he picked up at Hollywood's Supper Club. Francis recently gave what has to be the craziest interview with the Hollywood Reporter in years.
"I want that jury to know that each and every one of you are mentally f--ing retarded and you should be euthanized because, as Darwin said, you have naturally selected yourself. You are the weakest members of the herd. Goodbye! And if that jury wants to convict me because I didn't show up, which is the only reason why they did, then, you know, they should all be lined up and shot!"
He didn't stop there! He just got crazier and crazier:
"I have private jets, I have a great life, I'm a good-looking guy. I'm not conceited, but like -- look, I have girls around me all the time, whatever I want. I make a lot of money. It's a great life. If I wasn't me, I'd f--ing hate me."
Francis claims he didn't do any of the things he is convicted of he claims it was all a set up because he is rich and handsome. "Rich guys don't do that. I'm a sophisticated, classy guy."
Oh yes he is a real "classy" guy he gets college girls drunk and has them flash for a camera. This is how he makes is millions. Granted he is smart enough to realize he could make a living doing this but using the word sophisticated is really pushing the definition of the word.
In the sage words of my mother "People who use the word classy, aren't."

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