Monday, May 13, 2013

"Give me an orange, Julius!"

It is a hot day and you want something refreshing how about an Orange Julius? Ah yes an Orange Julius remember them from your local mall? They are still around now available at your local Dairy Queen.
The Orange Julius was first created in Los Angeles at an orange juice stand owned by Julius Freed. Freed's friend and real estate broker Bill Hamlin found the pure orange juice was to acidic for his stomach and they came up with a mixture that cut down the acid and made it frothy. An Orange Julius is a mixture of orange juice, milk, sugar, and a little vanilla flavoring all thrown into a blender. The mixture became a hit and people were lining up for the new concoction. "Hey give me an orange, Julius" became a popular phrase at the juice stand and that eventually just became Orange Julius.
The drink really caught on and in the 1950's there were many stand alone Orange Julius stands around the country. The drink became the official drink of the 1964 Worlds Fair. It was after that Orange Julius shops stated opening up in malls everywhere. It was part of mall shopping through out the 1970's. It was then they started using the slogan a "devilishly good drink" and had little devils with pitchforks of the cups and signs. That slogan stopped as Arizona State University Alum sued saying the logo was too close to their mascot. Orange Julius just went back to being good ole Orange Julius.
In the 1980's the company was purchased by Berkshire Hathaway the company that owns Dairy Queen. Now you can go to any Dairy Queen and get yourself a refreshing Orange Julius. Wouldn't you like one now?

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