Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Shut Up and Drink

When you find yourself in Vegas and sick of Vegas there is only one thing to do and that is hit the Double Down Saloon. Go on by whenever you feel like it; they never close. This down and dirty at its very best! Be you a lesbian biker, an in cognito rock star, rock a billy greaser, auto mechanic or hipster you will fit right in. Not attitude just free bands and cheap drinks. There are no frills at the Double Down unless you consider indoor plumbing and electricity a frill. There are good bands though!
The Double Down is naturally not on the strip and if that is all of Vegas that you have seen its another world. Anti-Vegas at its most anti-Vegas-est is the best way I can describe it. There are gaming machine that are more or less ignored by the clientele. Its the drinks they are there for and to meet up with everyone else sick of the Vegas strip and strip malls. The Double Down is not the only great dive bar in Las Vegas but it is the most rockin' one I have discovered.

Then there is Ass Juice their signature cocktail. One really shouldn't ask what's in it as it is probably better not to know. The only thing you need to know is it comes with a warning that if you puke it up you clean it! Their other signature cocktail is the Bacon Martini. I can't personally recommend or dissuade anyone from having one as I have never been in the mood for either but a Bacon Martini might be nice with a side of Bloody Mary for brunch.
The Juke box is always playing if a band isn't. The juke box at the Double Down is a star. If you can't find a song on it you like you might want to go back and get those Celine Dion tickets you talked to the desk clerk about. This juke box rocks and rocks hard.
Bands play most nights and there is never a cover. You won't see famous bands but you will some good ones. To be honest you might see a crappy one here and there but the sets aren't long and you can easily ignore them for a few minutes. On an upcoming saturday night The Double Down was recently advertising the following line up Evil Beaver, Kittenhead, The Pancakes and Mass Distractors. Who wouldn't find that line up to be appealing?
So when in Vegas get off the damned stip and head over to Paradice Rd not far from the horrible Hardrock Hotel and check out The Double Down. Just Shut up and Drink.

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