Monday, March 4, 2013

The Poop Maven

Dogs are such wonderful things to have in your life. They are always your friend and thrilled when you walk into the house. There is nothing like the unadulterated love you get from a dog. They do have a downside, poop. Dogs like to eat and they really love to poop. Dog poop is just one of the things you just have to deal with if you have a dog.  I knew this when I got my first dog. I knew she would need to poop and resigned myself to be the person that disposes of her poop. Then I got a second dog. She too poops. So now I have double the dog poop in my life but if you are picking up after one dog it isn’t really that hard to pick up after a second.
When I got my dogs I lived in a house with an enclosed area that they could run about and play in. They could also poop at will. Then we moved. We moved to an apartment and pooping became an event. We go out and we walk and they poop and they love it. This means I follow after them picking up their poop in plastic bags for disposal. We have moved into a neighborhood filled with dogs and I have discovered that many people don’t get the concept of picking up after their dogs. There seems to be poop everywhere. Not only do dogs love to poop they love finding poop. My dogs are the very best poop finders. I don’t know if I just never noticed poop before but I seem to be hyperaware of it lately. I have become a poop maven.
I have recently become a poop spy! I watch the other dog owners in my neighborhood to see just who it is who doesn’t pick up after their dogs. I have yet to catch a poop leaver and I don’t know what exactly I would do if I found one but I am always watching.  So beware poop leavers I am out there. I am the poop maven!

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