Sunday, March 17, 2013

Holly Woodlawn vs. NARS

NARS Comsmetics the cosmetic company of the stars and wannbe stars has pissed off Holly Woodlawn. They made a slight error in judgement and she made them pay! NARS put out a line of make-up named after Warhol superstars but neglected to get permission to use names. It seems they have a lip gloss shade called Holly Woodlawn and they didn't ask her permission to use her name. Well that didn't sit right with Miss Woodlawn. "I guess they thought I am dead" said Holly to me one afternoon. It wasn't only the fact that they didn't ask her permission the shade was not to Holly's liking. "I've never worn lip gloss in my life! I wear matte lipstick!"
Holly contacted her lawyer and well lets just say NARS has had to pony up. Holly is now less angry and a bit more flush. She still doesn't care for the shade but is getting over it. "My real lipsick is called cocksucker red." said Miss Woodlawn.

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