Monday, March 4, 2013

Don't Mess with 1303

Dude you stole from Girl Scouts! Sure they are annoying but don't steal from them! Sass their shash, sure who doesn't but come on steal from them?
Twenty year old Colin Sawyer has been arrested for the theft from Girl Scout Troop 1303. Dude you don't mess with 1303 they will come down on you as will the rest of society! Come on you stole cookie money! You better be a junkie otherwise you are just an asshole! If you are a junkie you get a pass because you're a junkie and junkies are idiots. If you aren't a junkie you are a puss! You stole from Girl Scouts dude! What's next a VFW? Neither tween girls or geriatrics can stop you!
Nanna Kicking: your next crime Mr. Sawyer? I know a bunch of Down Syndrome kids who are ripe for the fleecing if you need a new mark.
Didn't you know you don't mess with girls with badges? Those girls from Troop 1303 have their Miss Marble badges! Don't mess with 1303! Word.

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