Friday, December 14, 2012

MMMM Egg Nog

Nothing say happy holidays more than a glass of egg nog does it? The frothy yule time treat never fails to bring delight be it spiked or non-alcoholic. Traditionally made from cream, sugar and whipped eggs and spices; egg nog is not a healthy beverage but it is delish.
The history of egg nogg is up for debate by those who debate this kind of thing but it is generally believed to have been developed in the East Anglia area of England. It also could be a variant of Posset a medieval English drink of curdled milk and wine or ale. It is also refereed to as an Egg Flip. Flip come from the way it was made flipping it from pitcher to pitcher to develop the froth. Nog seems to come from a vessel called a noggin that one drank from.
Egg nog became a very popular beverage in Colonial America as there was an abundance of dairy and eggs. In England egg nog was more often drunk by aristocracy. In the colonies egg nog was often mixed with rum as it was cheap and commonly in a colonial home due to triangle trade. During the revolutionary war when rum was sanctioned the locally made bourbons became the substitute. In 1826 an egg nog riot occurred at US Military Academy spurred on by smuggled whiskey.
Egg nog is not a terribly healthy drink because of both the amount of cream, sugar and raw eggs. Egg nog is a close cousin of custard. It is now available in shops for vegans and the lactose intolerant made with soy and coconut milk.
Have a glass of egg nog and enjoy!

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