Thursday, November 29, 2012

Never Slug a Palm Beach Psychic

There are rules in this world, unspoken rules, and Lindsay Lohan has just broken another. Early Thursday morning in Chelsea Lindsay Lohan exited a club and got into a verbal and physical altercation with a Palm Beach Psychic, Tiffany Mitchell. (You just can't make this kinda stuff up)
Doesn't Lindsay know one of the most cardinal of all rules: never have a punch out with a psychic. And what about this Tiffany Mitchell what kind of psychic couldn't see that coming? It all smacks of set up to me. Lindsay may now have violated her parole and still flush from her comeback success!
Let's face hasn't almost everyone at one point wanted to punch a psychic? Free Lindsay!

1 comment:

  1. How does Lil LL stay out of jail? Paris got 45 days for driving without a licenzse ffs!
