Monday, November 26, 2012
Is Angus T. Jones a Hypocrite?
The actor on the sitcom "Two and a Half Men" Angus T. Jones has declared the show to be filth and asks viewers to sop watching it. It seems Mr. Jones has had a religious conversion and now feels that the show is bad. He did sign a contract to be on what could now be called "Two Men and a Hypocrite" and has a year to go. He claims the show goes against his new religious beliefs but taking the pay check apparently isn't.
Jones has been on the show for ten years and it has always been rather filthy and puerile if he hadn't noticed it. He could have left when Charlie Sheen left the show and simply not signed the contract that is keeping him there. He could also break the contract and give back some of the money. His character can easily be written out and he can go on his sanctimonious way.
if he truly believed that he'd quit the show the little turd.