Friday, November 2, 2012

Halloween With Holly Woodlawn

A dear friend from San Francisco came to Los Angeles for a visit over Halloween. She is a punk rock hair dresser and colorist and enjoys doing the out of the ordinary. There would be no stops on the Walk of Fame or movie star homes for us. It was Halloween so we wanted to do something fun.  I made a phone call to a friend I thought she might enjoy meeting. The friend I called was Warhol Superstar Holly Woodlawn.  I asked if she was receiving visitors and Holly replied “Oh yes the haunted house is open.”
We headed to West Hollywood toute suite. We did need to make on stop though, we needed to swing by Trader Joes. When I go to visit Holly I always bring her some wine. It was recently Holly’s birthday and I wasn’t able to attend her birthday party due to work. I felt bad that I missed her big day so this time instead of picking up a bottle of her favorite Two Buck Chuck Pinot Grigio I picked up a case for her.
It was Halloween so there were road closures due to the West Hollywood festivities. We were denied direct access to Holly’s street due to the closures. This sent us onto a maze of side streets. Each street would close after about a block sending nearer yet further from Holly’s at every turn.  Finally we made it to her street but several blocks from her apartment. We found parking and started our trek up the steep hill carrying the case of Two Buck Chuck.
Well, Holly was pleased with the gift. She asked if we could open a few right away. Miss Woodlawn then commenced holding court on her reproduction Cleopatra throne. She can tell a story like nobody can. She entertained us with stories of her birthday party and life in New York with Jackie Curtis and Candy Darling.  Holly and my friend shared hair and makeup tips and swapped dirty stories making each other laugh.  When it was time to leave Holly whispered into my ear. “I like her! And come back soon!”  Holly gave me a big “cock sucker red” lipsticked kiss on the cheek and we left.

1 comment:

  1. What is with all the #*@& street closures in that section of WeHo? The one time I went there, to meet my friend who lives in Holly W's building, I got fucked due to street closures and ended up power walking a full mile in high heels, feeling like an idiot, to make it to our date.

    -Carole (M's friend from the Dick Dale show who had brunch with you)
