Friday, September 14, 2012

Theraflu I No Longer Love You

I have a cold I guess and I feel miserable. I tried aspirin, orange juice, and steam all to no avail. I was still feeling awful. I decided it was time for Theraflu. I hauled my sick ass to Rite Aide (always a mistake) and proceeded to search for my sure to be cure. I was not able to find any as the layout of my local Rite Aide was apparently designed by a psychotic. I finally find an employee at the pharmacy counter. He kindly directs me to an aisle that i had him repeat as I am sick and sort of stupid at this point "Aisle 7" yes, "Aisle 7". I head there and discover it is the foot care aisle. Great if I needed corn or bunion relief but I have a damned head cold. This is my own fault really I knew Rite Aide would be a disaster but it is closest. I head back to the car and drive the extra 10th of a mile I was to lazy to drive before to CVS. There in stacks on shelves was the magic elixir! Success! I practically bow and worship in the head cold aisle. I head home and into the kitchen to brew me some relief. I have the night time formula and I prepare myself for a good night's drugged sleep. I chug my mug of health. I lie down and prepare for my rest. HA! It seems that the formula has changed and it has reacted differently to me. I am wide awake. Tic Tic Tic I listen to the clock mock me as I don't sleep. Tomorrow hot Brandy!

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