Sunday, September 2, 2012

Is Victoria Jackson Nuts?

Does anyone really care what Victoria Jackson thinks? I guess somebody does because she gets asked her opinion all the time. Why? She was recently asked what she thought about Todd Aiken and his remarks on rape. She said if she was raped and a baby was born out of it, it would be a blessing. First off Victoria Jackson you are well past child bearing age and have a really annoying voice. You might be gagged but...

She is also a right wing christian homophobe who claims to have "gay" friends but she has never seen them being "gay". Does this mean she hasn't been in a threesome with them? Being a good Christian she says the bible says homosexuality is a sin. She is also not a huge fan of the Muslim religion either. In an interview she said "I just want to know why the liberals are pro-Muslim and pro-gays. Muslims kill gays. That's what's confusing to me. And the only thing I can come up with is the Muslims hate God and the gays hate his word."
She also called Barack Obama a communist. Her reason his picture is on all the magazines "Like that guy from China. Victoria do think Mr. Obama's picture could be on the magazines because he is the President of the United States?
There is a possibility that she might just be nuts. A plain old fashioned kook. Her support of Michelle Bachman seems to bear that theory out.

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