Friday, August 17, 2012

Welcome to the World of the Unemployed

In an economy that is not so hot you would think Los Angeles would want to keep the marijuana dispensaries open. They employ a lot of people. When the ban takes effect there is going to be a wave of out of work dudes and cool chicks; never mind all those Kush Doctors! It isn't like the Kushe Dr.s can just shut down and go into general practice. Umm; if they could the wouldn't be kush doctors. The people I feel sorry for are the folks behind the counters. They are just doing their jobs and trying to pay their rent. It isn't like they can now get get a job for some big corporate business. Where was your last job? "A pot store". It just doesn't say hire me to many an employer because of the stigma.
There how how many pot store in LA? Lets low ball it and say 200. Each of those stores has at least a handful, if not more, employees. When you multiply that and then add in the kush Dr's and their kush receptionists you are talking thousands of people unemployed for no good reason. You still see bars and liquor store open don't you? What's the difference?

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