Tuesday, August 7, 2012


The American crow is one bad ass bird! If you are a crow you do what you please and if you decide you want to you just fly. Crows have attitude they don't walk on the ground they strut. They also belong to a gang. A group of crows isn't called a murder for no reason. Don't mess with a crow, they'll cut ya! Crows will also eat anything bugs, birds, fruit, vegetables and garbage if it is delicious. They are also rowdy birds. If they feel like putting up a stink or starting a fight they will. One on one they're fine but they generally like to hang out in a group. If they decide they want to hang out on your wall or fence tough luck. Crows can be shooed but but not driven away. Equally at home on a tree top or standing in the middle of a quiet street crows are survivors. Where they nest is anybody's guess. They mate for life and the members of their murder are family. A crow's iridescent black feathers and larger wind span allow them to soar.  This is when they are vunerable to their only true predators. Hawks, eagles and large owls are the only things crows are afraid of. Crows are the rock'n'rollinest birds there are.

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