Friday, July 20, 2012

Pat Paulsen for President

It is an election year again and more than ever we need Pat Paulsen! Starting during the 1968 presidential campaign comic Pat Paulsen ran as a deadpan candidate for President of the United States of America. A member of the STAG (Straight Talking American Government) Party Mr. Paulsen campaigned with the slogan "I've upped my standards. Now, up yours." Pre-dating Stephen Colbert's comedic candidacy by announcing his campaign in 1968 on The Smothers Brothers' show Pat Paulsen received votes as a write in many states. His name actually appeared on the New Hampshire democratic primary ballot in 1996. He came in second.
This election year could use Pat Paulsen as the voice of reason. Sadly Mr. Paulsen died in 1997 but that shouldn't stop him for running again. You may say a dead man can't run for president but in the words of Pat Paulsen "Picky picky picky".

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