Friday, June 8, 2012

Was the Miss USA Pageant Rigged?

Sheena Monnin, the former Miss Pennsylvania claims the Miss USA pageant was rigged. Could this be? Donald Trump the owner of the Miss USA and Miss Universe Pageants says no. Miss Pennsylvania says she heard from another contestant, Miss Florida, that there was a list of the top five and that the list turned out to be spot on. The eventual winner of the crown was Miss Rhode Island.
Donald Trump claims it is sour grapes on Miss Pennsylvania's part and he saw her briefly and knew she wasn't going to make it. So the Donald thinks she's a dog and bitter. He has threatened to sue her. Let's face it if any beauty queen could rig a pageant it would have to be Miss Rhode Island. As anyone from Rhode Island can tell you anything can be rigged. Miss Florida has denied this slander.
Could this bring the Miss Universe pageant down? Could this be the pageant world's scandal like the games show scandal of the 1950's or the baseball scandal of 1919?
The people at Miss Universe say that Miss Monnin was unhappy about a transgendered contestant from Canada being allowed to compete. Could all of this be a case of both sour grapes and transgender-phobia? Miss Pennsylvania best take care; beware of any tough looking guys in a sharp suits who wants to kiss you on the lips!

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