Monday, June 25, 2012
Lonesome George has Died
The last of his subspecies Lonesome George has died in his home on the Galapagos. His age is unknown but estimated to be in the vicinity of 100 years. George was found 40 years ago alone on the island of his birth by a group of hunters who were on his island to remove goats. The goats had been introduced to the island but devastated the enviornment leading to the demise of the giant tortoise. George was the last of his subspecies. He was rescued and moved to an enclosure in Equador's Galapagos National Park. As there are no more of George's subspecies it was hoped he would mate with a female of another subspecies from a neighboring island. Unfortunately this did not happen.
Another day and yet another extinction.
Only 100 years; sad day, I thought they lived upto 500 years.