Saturday, May 5, 2012
No Animals Were Killed for this Work
Friday, May 4th was the opening night for La Luz de Jesus Gallery's latest show "The Rogue Taxidermy Biennial!" show on Hollywood Blvd. The Gallery if you haven't been there or heard of it is in the back of Wacko a store that is hard to qualify. The show in the gallery is a group show and the theme that connects the work is taxidermy. Animal bodies or bits of them are incorporated into all of the pieces.
The gallery's website and literature about the show insist that any animal bits or obtained from either road kill, discarded livestock or creatures that have died from natural causes. It make one fell a little less guilty about looking at the work and thoroughly enjoying them. A sense of whimsy and humor is yet another link. The works that could easily be nauseating are engaging and fun to look at. The show compliments the kookiness that is Wacko and it's wares. Need a funny card, a voodoo candle or a book about mass murders Wacko is your first stop in Los Angeles.
Many of the pieces in the show were macabre and fun at the same time. Doll houses ensconsed in the neck of a deer, chic ladies hats made of chicken feather and their bedazzled heads make up just a fraction of the work and the fun. Some of the work is disturbing but if placed next to work that defies a laugh it's shock is made palatable to even the most gentele of attendees.
The show closes on May 27th so if you are in town run down to Los Feliz and check it out!
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