Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Karma Story Zsa Zsa Gabor

Every one's lives have high and low spots. Very few of us have had the highs and the lows like Zsa Zsa Gabor. An international celebrity Zsa Zsa has lead a fascinating life but now she is in physical and perhaps mental decline. Gone are the days and nights of glamour Zsa Zsa is now bed ridden and a figure of litigation. Frederic Prinz von Anhalt her current husband and Francesca Hilton her only child are engaged in a nasty fight over the control of Zsa Zsa's healtcare and ultimately money. It looks as it will be a sad end for a woman who lived so broadly.
Karma is defined as a law in Hinduism which maintains that every act done, no matter how insignificant, will eventually return to the doer with equal impact. Has Karma come to get Zsa Zsa? It could be looked at that way. Zsa Zsa is infamous for marrying and divorcing and always coming out ahead. She is quoted as saying "I'm a very good housekeeper. Every time I get divorced I keep the house." Granted she was joking and that was part of her professional and public personae but in every joke there is a grain of truth.

The Gabors Magda, Zsa Zsa and Eva along with their mother Jolie are a story unto themselves. If they had been born later and lived in this era they most definitely would have a reality show. They are the original Kardashians. Originally from Budapest Hungary the Gabors have vague pasts and even vaguer society connections. Zsa Zsa was Miss Hungary of 1936 and the rest of the family were able to escape the nazi occuaption of World War II. The family ended up in the US and seemingly dropped into the society pages of the 1950's. In their hey day they were all considered stars just for being Gabors. They are prime subjects for a film. They were all over the top and very glamourus.

Zsa Zsa was perhaps the best known of the family altough sister Eva did have a very successful television career in the 1960's. It was Zsa Zsa though who got the headlines. She is famous mainly for having married 9 times. Her second husband and father of her only child was Conrad Hilton the heir of the Hilton hotel chain. Her third husband was actor George Sands who was later married to her older sister Magda. Zsa Zsa's eighth arriage was very short lived. She was married to Felipe de Alba for one day until there was an annullment as her previous marriage was not quite over. Her last, longest and perhaps most controversial marriage was to Frederic Prinz von Anhalt.

The prince is really not a true prince. He is the son of a Frankfurt Chief of Police and a massuse who was adopted by the wife of a Prussian Prince when he was an adult. The house of von Anhalt do not recognise his title. This is where Zsa Zsa current problems start. Prinz von Anhalt is a loose cannon to say the least. He at one time claimed he was the biological father of Anna Nicole Smith's daughter as well as claiming he was running for mayor of Los Angeles.

Zsa Zsa in the twilight of her life has been plagued with health and financial issues. This has brought about the animosity between her daughter and current husband. It is a very sad ending to a larger than life life. Zsa Zsa if she can may want to think about karma and what it all means. "For a smart girl men are no problem - they are the answer" Zsa Zsa is now bed ridden in a mortaged mansion and the figure of a nasty series of law motions. This is surely not how she wanted this life to end. No Dahling!

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