Monday, April 16, 2012

Dark Shadows Returns

When I was a kid I desperately wanted to watch Dark Shadows. I was never allowed! It was a soap opera and my mother did not approve of soap operas and specifically didn't approve of children watching soap operas. I begged and I pleaded to no avail. I had all kinds of reasons why I should be able to watch. All of which fell of deaf ears. A girl in my class in school named Ellen Farrell would tell me all about it. I was so jealous. The exterior of Collinwood the creepy mansion that the show took place in was not far from where we lived. Collinwood is actually The Cary Mansion, originally named Seaview Terrace, is a creepy gothic mansion in Newport, Rhode Island.
Not being allowed to watch the show made it even more desirable to my little kid mind. I was able to snatch glimpses to the horror I was denied when my mother was not around and I was able to flip the dial quickly to ABC. Some how she always knew and I would get caught. I needed to see the vampires, ghosts and witches of Collinwood but she just didn't understand. I was deprived the thrill and chill of Barnabas Collins!

Years later when I was in college the show was back on television in re-runs. I was ecstatic! The acting and scripts were rather sappy and production values weren't anywhere near as cool as I remembered them. Sure it was trash and yes my mother may well have been right but I was hooked! What went on in Collinwood was just good bad TV. I always thought it would make an amazing movie.
Tim Burton and Johnny Depp have made my dream come true and in May of 2012 their version of "Dark Shadows" hits the big screen. The previews available on line at first disappointed me until I watched them a couple of times. This is not my mother's forbidden Dark Shadows. It is a comedy set in the 70's and looks hysterically funny. Johnny Depp is a great Barnabas in the clips. Between his acting and Tim Burton's direction it can't go wrong right?????

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