Friday, March 30, 2012

Lottery Mania!

Lottery mania is in full swing. Lines are forming outside of liquor stores around the country in these lines are lottery hopefuls. They are all hoping that their dollar will bring them the dream of wealth. Money for nothing! What would you do with the money? I'll tell you what I would do. Nothing. I would just stick it in the bank and think. Suddenly having that much money is a huge responsibility. Everyone says "I'd quit my job!" Great sure quit your job and what do you do? Go on a crazy spending spree? The minute you win that huge sum of money you are fodder for beggars, scammers and family you didn't know you even had. You are the ultimate prize, well not you but your money. Humans are greedy by nature. Not all of course but how many Mother Teresas and Ghandis are there in this world. They are few and far between.
Many people say I would give to charity. Great this is an honorable thing to do. Charities will be at your door in no time. They will come looking for you. Charities are as greedy as your average Joe. They want your money too. They may have good works and fine intentions but they still want your money!
If you aren't a member of the idle rich before hand there are a lot of things to learn. The idle rich are actually not idle, they are rich but very busy. They have patronages. The neo-rich are the truly idle. Do you want to be crass? Do you want to live like the Clampetts? You won't be going to the Vanderbilt's for cocktails and polo. They aren't going to invite you and they won't come to your soiree either. Your old friends may come by but even they will have their hands in your purse. You will be isolated and alone trapped in your mansion.

So there you are all alone surrounded by sycophants and booty afraid to go out, terrifed of your emails from the needy. What did that dollar buy you? Misery! Think about that while you are standing in line at Happy-time Liqours with your dollar in your hand.

1 comment:

  1. Guess I'm lucky, then. Hawaii doesn't have a lottery, nor access to one.
