Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Weho Bistro

So some friends bought a joint in West Hollywood called Salade de Provence. It was a loser restaurant, everybody knew it, in a great place with parking. It was a West Hollywood wet dream. Great space, good chef what more can you ask for? Paint the joint re-name it and boom you're in business! And they did it. The first of the year they bagged the old name and painted the shit out of the place and Weho Bistro was born. Same food just a better presentation and space, that's all you need and bam your are a hit!
When you walk in either Jerry or Jeff greet you and welcome you to their new place. When they welcome you they really mean it, they love having you. You aren't just a customer, they actually love that you came in. If you are really lucky they'll point out a celebrity you didn't know was there. It's very discreet and ever so Hollywood. Be you celeb or be you not you are welcome there. Be you A-list; well no one will bug you, be you y-list you get the same treatment. Everyone is a celeb a Weho Bistro.
If you don't have fun, it's your own damn fault. There's a tourist joint up the hill for you! Have the "surprise" because it's worth it and who doesn't want a surprise! This is an LA treat.