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Friday, July 13, 2012

Do you have Friggatriskaidekaphobia?

Are you afraid of the day Friday the 13th? If you are you may be suffering from Friggatriskaidekaphobia. Friday the 13th is considered and unlucky day by some and feared by others. the number 13 has been considered an unlucky number in many cultures and Friday is also considered an unlucky day in others when the two combine and bam superstition takes over. It is estimated that between 17 and 20 million people have a fear of Friday the 13th.
Some odd events have happened on a Friday the 13th. The luxury liner Costa Concordia ran aground of the coast of Italy earlier this year on the first of three in 2012. If you were Tupac Shakur, Tim Russert or Julia Child you might find Friday the 13th to be a bad day as they died on the cursed day.
Throw some salt over your shoulder and beware of black cats!


  1. But.....Maria Falco says it's Lucky for Italians! So....Humbug!

  2. Maria Falco would know! Beleive evrything she says! She could put a curse on you!
